The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Posts from August 2007

Test Run Kilo

After a long slow-burn walk this afternoon to get coffee and other things, I decided to head for the track again to see if the beats in my iPod drove me faster than normal or if the speed from last time was a fluke. Not, mind you, that I was fast — just faster than […]

Test Run Juliet

Earlier today, I found someone who wanted to get rid of a 512 MB iPod shuffle that he’d won at a grocery store and didn’t want. I tried running with my 60 GB iPod and found it a little clunky for running. Especially with my case. So, this shuffle was just what the doctor ordered. […]

Sore Waddle

Oh, my goodness, I am sore. I can barely walk. That means, I should incorporate yesterday’s workout into my routine. I can feel the sore in my hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and a little in my abs. Sore is good. Sore is on the way to strong, fast, lean, and fabulous. I worked a little with […]

The 400m Air Squat

I decided to go for something a little different today. After my slow-burn hike early this afternoon, I headed out to the track to try circuits. This particular circuit consists of only two events—400 meters around the track and 20 air squats after each lap. The laps: running, walking, jogging, and combination (half walk, half […]

PT Test Alpha

Today was a heavy work day. Okay, it’s time for my 3 week APFT. Let’s see where I’m tracking. Here’s how the test works. In each event, you have two minutes to complete all the repetitions you can. For the run, you take as much time as you need to complete two miles. After the […]

Stomping Sunday

Today, I wanted to kick myself in the ass and use my momentum to burn some calories. Also, since it’s been three weeks since I got serious about getting in shape, I decided to administer myself a physical fitness test and see where I stack up on the APFT. First, the slow burn. I had […]

Slow Burn Saturday

Woo! Weigh in this morning was 188.5 pounds. That’s 7.5 pounds since July 27. That’s three weeks ago. I’m losing, on average, about 2.5 pounds (or just over a kilogram) per week. Okay, time to keep on moving. I had an errand or two to run in Sunnyvale this morning, so I decided to throw […]

Test Run Hotel

After scrambling to head home from Menlo Park, I got home in the nick of time, strapped on my monitor, and stepped over to the track. I’ve come to realize through some research lately, that when I push at the track, I spike the heart rate monitor because I’m out of shape. Someone asked me […]

Par Course Alpha

My second workout of the day involved me walking over to Sunnyvale Middle School Park to pound on the par course and do a full circuit for the first time. I started my heart rate monitor leaving my house to include the warm up (walking there) and cool down (walking home) in my statistics. I […]

Strolling Sunnyvale

Since the Tuesday trainer session made me sore, I thought I’d try the first of today’s workouts (other than pushup/dip sets of 10 whenever I feel like it) as a very light intensity stroll. I also wanted to burn a lot of calories and have a significant percentage of them count. I figured out the […]

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