The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Dec 25, 2000 - 19:12

Family, Travel

Christmas 2000

At Grandma’s house, we unwrap everything on X-mas eve, so all of the various people can spend the holiday at places where they unwrap all the gifts on that day. Most everyone had another house to go to today. My brother had his in-laws in Willow Creek, 40 miles away. My sister’s in-laws live in Payette somewhere. Everyone has other core family to whom they go.

I stayed all day at Grandma’s, talking with Brent, Walter, and Grandma. Walter’s parents, my uncle and aunt came over, eventually, and ate some food with us.

After a while, my ex-wife brought my kids back over to Grandma’s, so we could hang out. It was fun. I love spending time with them. They get to stay with me until Thursday, when I get on a plane and go back to California.