The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Jul 04, 2000 - 21:07

Family, Travel

Road Trip to Idaho (Day Four)

Happy 224th birthday, America.

Emmett and I loaded up his car with my musical instruments, books, and movies. I tried not to go overboard on shit. One of these days, I’m going to have to have everything shipped out from Idaho to California, so I can have whatever I own, whenever I want.

We messed around with the Playstation and basically hung out today. Before taking them home just after dusk, we lit off the fireworks. I think I shot two rolls of film just for the fireworks. I may someday make a web album, or something. We started shooting them off shortly before dark, and then took the kids home. It’s so hard to tell my babies goodbye. I’m planning on coming back for a few days in September.