The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Jan 31, 2008 - 23:01


CrossFit Day 86

Today’s workout was a deceptively difficult bunch of work that had me still panting half an hour after I finished. I decided to do a CrossFit warmup before the main event, just so I could make sure I was nice and loose (and to burn an extra bunch of calories). I’ve been lacking daily exercise since the storms that have been pounding California relentlessly over the last couple of weeks started, because marching to the train station is a little of a pain in the ass in high winds and heavy rains. Tomorrow will be two weeks since I made my commute on foot. Honestly, I miss it quite a bit. Maybe next week, the rains will stop.

Since the work today is upper body, I crafted a version of the official CrossFit warmup. Here’s my warmup today.

Three rounds for time:

  1. 30s Sampson Stretch, each side
  2. 15 Overhead Squats with Broomstick
  3. 15 situps
  4. 15 good mornings (standing back extensions with 25# dumbbell)
  5. 15 kayak squats (air squat with torso twist)
  6. 15 kettlebell swings (35# KB)

Not bad. That’s a pretty good warmup. I’ll have to vary this for the workout, but that got my blood going.

Warmup: 16:03, 5:32 zone (basic); HR: 152 avg, 183 max; 195 cal

The main workout was a barrage of upper body work that seemed much easier than it turned out to be. Here’s what I’m doing.

Three rounds for time:

  1. 15 dumbbell deadlifts (2×35# DB)
  2. 15 handstand pushups (knees on table, dogtag to floor)
  3. 15 assisted weighted pullups (2×15# DB in backpack, pullup bar at 3 feet)
  4. 15 dumbbell thrusters (2×25# DB)

The deadlifts and pushups were the fastest, the pullups and thrusters the slowest, primarily because of impending muscular failure. I really should figure out a way to get into and out of the backpack faster. But, the handstand pushups were easier than I thought they’d be. Perhaps next time, I’ll put my butt on the table and lean back and down, instead of putting my knees on the table.

My results: 19:44, 1:36 zone (hard); HR: 173 avg, 194 max; 303 cal

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