The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Dec 06, 2007 - 22:12


CrossFit Day 58

Today’s workout was a rambunctious barrage of work that left me panting, dizzy, and near collapse for nearly an hour this evening. It’s storming in the Silicon Valley, so I substituted the parts that required me to be running outdoors. So, with my substitutions, here’s the dance:

Five rounds for time of:

  1. 2:00 on the mag trainer for distance
  2. 21 x sumo deadlift high pulls (53# KB)
  3. 21 x thrusters (2×25# DB)

About 10 this evening, I set up my dumbbells, bike trainer, and iPod and started. I push a pretty aggressive pace on the trainer, so I tried to ratched it down just a little bit. I set up a pair of 30 pound dumbbells on the mat near the door for the weight exercises. After the brutal first round had me panting and dizzy, I scaled the weight back to the kettlebell and the 25 pound dumbbells.

After the second complete set of these exercises, I considered throwing in the towel, particularly after the third session on the trainer. I’ve been sore today, primarily because of that extra helping of squats on Tuesday (total: 205, 55 of which were weighted at 70 pounds). Ooh, sore.

I decided to get back off the floor and continue, trying to push through the workout. I fought back the nausea a couple of times and utterly failed to resist pushing heart rates over 175 bpm while on the trainer, but eventually, I outlasted this brutish workout. It did take me a long long time, though.

My results: 49:44, 23:20 zone (hard); HR: 161 avg, 188 max; 674 cal
Bike trainer: 3.60 mi in 10:16 (21.1 mph avg, 32.4 mph max)

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