The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Jan 12, 2001 - 19:01


MacWorld Expo 2001

Of course, after finishing a major project, there are a few bugs, which threatened to rob me of my MacWorld experience this year. last year, I went and couldn’t afford Cubase VST, which pained me, particularly after the demonstration of how seamlessly it works with other sweet music software. I was determined to hook up this year.

At the last minute, Emmett decided to come with, so we went in his car, missing Caltrain by a few seconds and resorting to the Colma BART station. We stopped at the bank, all was good, and continued on to the BART. It seemed to take an eon to get to where we needed to go, probably because today was the last day of the Expo and it was closing early.

Emmett did not have a pre-reserved ticket, so we had to cross howard for him to get a coupon with his invite, only to cross the street again, go downstairs, and have him complete a web-based form the size of the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Jesus. I got to spend 90 minutes at the Expo.

That, as it turned out, was enough. Emmett found his old school Amiga 3D animation gurus, bought some software and I bee-lined for the music section, finding almost nothing, except Guitar Center (which was blowing me away with a Reason demonstration) and BitHeadz (with the $300 software sampler and other goodies). Reason is going to make all of my gear obsolete, I swear. But, I’m definitely picking it up when it comes out for retail in the US. Maybe it’s time to think about getting a beefier box than my current 8500/233. Maybe something, I dunno, modern? Yeah.