The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Nov 03, 2000 - 23:11


Pre-Election Mellow

I finally submitted my self-assessment for my year anniversary at myplay, which was late by over two months (my anniversary was September 1). My manager was very glad to get it.

Work is going along nicely. A little slow lately, but soon I’ll be quite swamped. An optimal time to jet off to cheese country, at any rate.

I was planning on going up to the city tonight to check out Liquid or some similar venue, but as I was flipping around the channels shortly before getting ready, I started watching Primary Colors (1998) on TV, followed immediately by The American President (1995). Must be the elections coming up. By the time I detached my ass from the couch, it was too late to wander cityward for dancing.

Oh, yeah. The elections. I don’t give a fuck who you support. Get out and vote. If I hear you bitching about politics and you didn’t vote, I reserve the right to punch you in the mouth. Twice.