The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

May 27, 2005 - 21:05


Mavic Sweetness

I called Outfitter this afternoon to see if I’d have a new rim today. One guy was just getting started on it, so we set at time for me to come and get it about an hour and a half after work. I farted around in Sunnyvale to kill just enough time, and went to retrieve my rim.

The total came to about $80. That’s not bad for a new back rim with brand new spokes. That Mavic A719 is apparently what they generally put on tandems. If it can handle two people, it ought to be able to handle anything I can feasibly throw at it.

Excitedly, I raced home with the rim, threw it on the Trek, and got ready to go for a ride. Oops. Now I can’t move. After finagling the brakes for a while, I finally got up and got my first ride in a week. I ran out of breath much faster than I usually do, but I’ve been sitting on the couch for a whole week. I heard once that you lose 25% of your condition if you sit out for a week. I didn’t do too bad, though. It sure feels good to get some asphalt under my tires again.

Now, let’s see if I can roll past 3000 miles on the year by the first of June.