The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Jan 20, 2001 - 03:01



Activate Fridays billed Single Cell Orchestra, Twerk, and Minty Fresh on their announcement, but I don’t usually go to happy hours. Kate had insisted she wanted to go and it sounded cool, so I left work early (around 6) and headed to Half Moon Bay to pick her up.

The music was really cool and the crowd at the almost invisible little bar in the tenderloin was attractive and urbane. When we arrived, Twerk was spinning some techno with a little aroma of house. Most people were standing around.

I went outside for some air and Justin, my former coworker, came sliding by. It was cool to talk to him, as well as Minty Fresh and Kevin, who gave me a cd of his music. There was a whole crew of dance music performers there with whom I ended up leaving Light and wandering to a nearby fish n’ chips house.

Talked alot about music technology to the guys, which was cool, and was asked to sit in the scottish pub and wait for everyone, who left and had to go pick up some gear, or whatever. I am WAY too nice. I sat in that fucking place with terrible music for half an hour, babysitting a drunk fuck whose head I was just inches from caving in.

Of course, after we all got back together, people were talking about going to Club Six to hear DJ Surgeon, but it was nearly 1. To hell with paying $12 to get in for half an hour.

Luckily, there’s a Mission Rock party tomorrow, because damn.
