The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Sep 17, 2000 - 04:09



Kate, my friend from SpaceBar, asked me if I would be at Staple tonight. Heh. As if that’s a question that requires an answer. Markie (Wicked, SF) on the decks tonight. I arrived to see Fil Latorre on the decks.

I went upstairs and spotted my Canadian bitches, Patrick and Gigi, kicking back, so I went to talk to them. Kate came, with her dad in tow, shortly after. Pretty soon, Fil finished his set and came upstairs for a breath of air. Somehow, Patrick convinced Fil to sell him a mix CD. At the end of the night, I ended up with a mix tape. Right on.

Markie put on a hell of a show, with me wandering here and there on the floor, stepping when I could find some room. Sally was there, along with Erin, Josh, another Erin, and some very adorable British girls who spent two weeks on a bus, getting from New York to San Francisco. A good night, overall.