The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Apr 07, 2000 - 18:04



I was kinda looking around on SF Raves for other stuff, but I saw Mark Farina billed on StopSpot‘s flier, along with David Coleman & Sen-Sei. So, I grabbed Emmett, whose girlfriend, Megan, was due to make an appearance, and headed out to the spot.

David Coleman & Sen-Sei started their set shortly after we arrived at 10. sen-sei, the keyboardist, was going off, and after a while I went up to challenge him. I started blowing his solos through my hands (Kinda like whistling. You’d have to see it to understand) and it attracted a bunch of people near me (I’m always in tune and I can improvise). They were cheering their asses off as I echoed his keyboard solos back at him and threw him a few of my own.

Mark Farina took the DJ table and the roof came off. Annie showed up and told me she was going to Fiji for two months (have fun). I ended up dancing with way too many interesting, weird, and delicious people, finally introducing myself to Lisa and Laura, whom I see everywhere on the weekends (Rawhide, Club 6, 11:11), and Mina and her cute Indian friend. They even opened up the second area at Rawhide tonight – not at a quarter till two, but at 11:30. What a trip. I guess with Farina headlining…

I can’t even wait for tomorrow night.