The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Mar 18, 2000 - 18:03


Geekhouse Party

If you never went to UCSC or lived in Santa Cruz, don’t go to Santa Cruz geekhouse parties. The geekhouse scene, while almost mythically cool for most of the time I’ve read about their activities from across a thousand miles of fiber-optic line and dialup modems (I heard about the geekhouse thing in 1994), seems to have deteriorated into an elite club, hostile or apathetic to outsiders, annoyed that the coolest scene ever created is, for all intents and purposes, dead in a world where most internet users are AOL customers and one in fifty computer users (if that) can cope with anything remotely resembling a command-line.

I can’t diss the Marshmallow Peanut Circus party I went to in October, though. That was pretty fun, full of very interesting and weird people. Perhaps, the reality of the ICB people who were lucky enough never to have to live in Idaho, Wisconsin, Georgia, Kansas, or anywhere but California doesn’t live up to the fantasy of a group of really nifty bunch of incredibly cool geeks—something we all yearn to be part of.