The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Jan 15, 2000 - 12:01


Great Saturday

Damn. Lime Light was a blast. The DJ needs a little help, but other than that, it was a seriously sweaty evening. The twelve or thirteen women I danced with (they came up to me—imagine that!) never attempted, individually or collectively, to take me home and steal my renewed virtue. They were spectacular, though, and kept tossing me into the middle of some circle or dragging me up on stage. It was giddily fun.

My feet will definitely be sore tomorrow. Luckily, I have nothing to do but laundry. I might go to the office later and rip the new CDs I got today. Overall, a nice day. Got up at one, watched some tube, got a couple of CDs, ate Ethiopian food (!), and danced myself into such soreness that it will probably take me two hours to move well when I get up.

Now that is how you do Saturdays.