The Oracle of Apollo Snippets from the life of Apollo Lee

Jan 01, 2008 - 20:01


PT Test Echo

Today’s workout was “CrossFit Total” again, a baseline for the new year. I don’t have a barbell, so I doing my fifth APFT today (Previously: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta).

I didn’t really have a specific goal for today’s numbers, other than the fact that I wanted to improve all of the events. Last night, I got about five hours of sleep, before I had to get up and take a rental car back to the airport. I wasn’t sure how much I could improve my scores, but I gave it a good effort anyway.

First, I did the run. It was cold out at the track, but once I stretched out and started pounding, I warmed up. The new stopwatch I got for Christmas (the most useful gift I got) kept me from needing to enter numbers in my cell phone to email back to myself. I could concentrate on the run and the music in my headphones. It worked well. My slowest lap was still faster than 2 minutes and I destroyed my previous time. This 2 mile run shaved 31 seconds off my previous personal best. If you’re going to throw down the gauntlet on a new year, you might as well throw it down hard enough to make it bounce off the track, right? <flex />

I knocked out the pushups and the situps in my warm sun room. I still tend to rest too much in those sets. I’m sure that if I slowed my pace down a little and concentrated on focused, complete repetitions without resting, I could have drastically better scores. But, I added 2 pushups and one situp to my previous best. That’s not nearly as earth-shattering as shredding half a minute off the run, but it’ll do.

PT Test Echo

  • Sit Ups: 56 (APFT Score: 76) – required to pass: 42
  • Push Ups: 48 (APFT Score: 72) – required to pass: 36
  • Two mile run: 15:12 (APFT Score: 83) – required to pass: 17:42
  • APFT Total: 231

Next goal: 240 points (56 pushups, 59 situps, 15:30 2 mile run)

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